We have many ministries in which you and your family might like to participate to get to know us a little better. This is an exciting time at Grace Assembly! God is moving, and we would love for all to be a part! The following are weekly and special
events that you may enjoy being a part of.
The children (ages 3-9) have children's church each Sunday morning and BGMC(missions emphasis) the first Sunday of each month. We have a kids' worship service and breakout classes for toddlers and up each Wednesday night. We also have an annual Kids Crusade.
The youth (6th -12th grade) meet every Sunday evening during small groups. They are very active in services, outreaches, and other activities in the church. They also have trips throughout the year!
There is a small group for every age group. We meet every Sunday evening at 5:30 P.M. and all classes are done onsite. Bring the whole family to connect and learn with others!
The ladies meet at various times throughout the year for a time of food, fellowship, and activities. Our ladies' group also attends special functions such as a girls' home brunch and women's retreat.
The men meet for breakfast at 8:00 a.m. the third Saturday of each month for a time of food and fellowship.
The senior saints meet the first Tuesday of each month for food and fellowship and have trips and events.
Kyle Jordan-Pastor
Kyle served as youth pastor from 2011-2016 and became pastor in May of 2016. He is a passionate, anointed minister of the Gospel, and strives to lead people to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ through the working of the Spirit.
Elwyane Schaeffer-Associate Pastor
Rev. Elwayne Schaeffer founded the church in 1988 and pastored it until 2006. Today, he serves as Associate Pastor and continues to serve the people of the church. He ministers at the county jail weekly and leads the chaplain ministry at McCurtain Memorial Hospital. He is committed to seeing souls saved and serving Christ.
Kyle Jordan-Pastor
Kyle served as youth pastor from 2011-2016 and became pastor in May of 2016. He is a passionate, anointed minister of the Gospel, and strives to lead people to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ through the working of the Spirit.
Emily Jordan-Worship Leader
Emily serves as the worship leader. She loves to lead people into worshipping the King and training others to do the same. She also teaches full-time at Grace Academy.
Landon & Krystal Middleton-Associate Pastors
Landon & Krystal became the Associate Pastors in August of 2021. They have a heart for people and want to see as many as possible come to the Lord. Landon also works full time for TNM Lumberworks in Foreman, Arkansas.
Carlene White-Children’s Ministry
Carlene has attended Grace Assembly since its founding and loves the people and children of Grace. She is passionate about teaching children the knowledge of the Bible and leading them to the Lord.
Rebecca Clouse-Renewed Strength Ladies Ministry
Rebecca has a strong desire for ladies to be physically healthy and spiritually nourished. The ladies have workout sessions and meeting throughout the month as well as interact on Facebook.
Darlene Newton-Sundowners Ministry
Sis. Darlene has attended Grace Assembly for many years and loves to bring the elders together for a time of fellowship and encouragement each month.
Allen Fines-Men’s Ministry
Bro. Allen leads the men’s ministry and enjoys coordinating events and times of fellowship for the men of the church.